Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Diabetics Must Cick Here

1. Take one day at a time.

2. Frequent blood glucose testing is the best way to keep tight control.

3. To warm feet, rub with lotion and cover with warm socks.

4. Protect insulin and test strips from extreme heat and cold.

5. Check your feet before going to bed.

6. Blood glucose test guidelines:

  • Type 1: 3-4 times a day
  • Type 2: 1-2 times a day

7. Take a walk in the mall.

8. Check blood glucose before each meal for a day.

9. Are you testing as often as your should?

10. Have you had your eyes examined recently?

11. Treat yourself to something special today.

12. Eat a variety of foods at every meal.

13. Know the effect of sweets on your blood glucose.

14. Still checking your feet before bedtime?

15. Inspect shoes for foreign objects and feet for pressure points.

16. Know you target HbA1c.

17. Stop smoking. It's okay to ask for help.

18. Check your glucose patterns for a day.

19. Keep an extra battery for your blood glucose monitor on hand.

20. Find a new diabetic recipe or two to try.

21. When you buy shoes, buy them in the afternoon.

22. Know how to manage your blood glucose levels on sick days.

23. From time to time, check your feet during the day, especially between toes.

24. Is diabetes overwhelming you? Talk to a diabetes team.

25. Never skip a meal.

26. Record your blood glucose levels every time you test.

27. Try chicken soup or broth when you're sick.

28. Cover open sores with antiseptic and gauze.

29. If blood glucose is too high or low, call your diabetes team or doctor.

30. How many times did you test your blood glucose today?

31. Have you had an HbA1c test recently?

32. Before you start an exercise program consult your doctor!

33. Keep your insulin and medication with you when you travel.

34. Time to get more test strips and lancets?

35. See your diabetes doctor or educator if you have any questions at all.

36. Keep your meter from extreme heat and cold.

37. Learn something new about diabetes today.

38. File toe nails, do not cut them.

39. Use a fresh lancet every time you test.

40. Record times when you have problems with blood glucose levels.

41. Tell your dentist you have diabetes and ask for dental care advice.

42. Call your doctor right away if your foot shows signs of infection.

43. See a diabetes eye doctor.

44. Take a thirty- minute walk at your own pace.

45. Avoid shoes that irritate your feet.

46. Visit a local farmer's market. It's good exercise.

47. How many times did you test your blood glucose today?

48. Check your blood glucose pattern over the next four days.

49. See a foot doctor for corns and calluses.

50. Have your blood glucose records ready to show your doctor at all times.

51. Every so often, pick a day to test your blood glucose level four times.

52. Do not go barefoot.

53. Drink eight glasses of water, especially on hot days.

54. Ask your doctor to teach you how to adjust your insulin.

55. Check your blood glucose before drinking alcohol and make sure you've eaten.

56. When sick, try popsicles or ginger ale.

57. Have you had your kidney function tested recently?

58. Clean wounds or sores twice a day with warm water and mild soap.

59. Check your test strips supplies regularly.

60. Call a doctor if a cut or sore is draining. Change bandage often.

61. Take a bike ride or a half-hour walk.

62. Keep extra regular insulin on hand when sick.

63. You should see your diabetes doctor four times a year.

64. Attend a diabetes management course.

65. Hug yourself!

66. Frequent blood testing is the best way to keep tight control.

67. Keep an eye on your diabetes medicine - do you need to get more?

68. Less activity may mean more insulin or pills.

69. Have you had your cholesterol checked lately?

70. Keep your blood monitor in your purse or backpack.

71. Wear comfortable shoes and take a hike.

72. Treat yourself to a massage or a warm bath.

73. Keep test strips dry.

74. Check your blood pressure.

75. Get flu shot if you can, every winter.

76. Avoid heating pads or hot compresses on feet.

77. Always take your diabetes medicine when sick.

78. Stick to scheduled meal times as closely as possible.

79. Keep a list of questions you want to ask your doctor.

80. Test often when you eat a heavy meal.

81. See a foot doctor for nail and foot care.

82. Wash your feet and use lotion to keep the skin soft.

83. Try a new low fat recipe once a week.

84. Find a new diabetic dessert recipe and try it.

85. Take a day off to relax from time to time.

86. Try a diet soda with lime.

87. If you are eating more than usual, test more often.

88. If you feel "different", test your blood glucose right away.

89. Make sure a family member knows how to help you in an emergency.

90. Make a diet plan and do your best to stick to it.